30 days out from Super Bowl 50; are we prepared?

With Super Bowl 50 only 30 days out, the eyes of much of the world will focus squarely on the Bay Area. Planning for the big game in Santa Clara takes plenty of time, but San Francisco will be hosting Super Bowl City. The question as to whether or not the city by The Bay is prepared remains to be answered.

"I would say that the state of preparation for the Super Bowl is strong," says Keith Bruce, CEO of the Super Bowl 50 Host Committee, who adds that two and a half years of planning are about to pay off. "We're really starting to move from all that planning to execution," says Bruce.

All of the foot of San Francisco's Market Street area will be transformed to Super Bowl City, designed primarily for the public to share the NFL experience. But a lot can happen in the next three weeks.

"Each and every day, we're reevaluating the plans that were set last week, knowing that we might need to make tweaks, we might have to make a few changes," says Bruce.

40 miles away, a team in San Jose is preparing for the South Bay to host hordes of locals and visitors who will attend the game.

"This is the most regional Super Bowl that will have ever taken place, so we're ready to shout out all the assets of San Jose," says Laura Chmielewski of ‘Team San Jose’.

Things kick off in the South Bay with media day at the SAP Center.

"That's 10 days before the actual event. Those 10 days will be a party so; the Super Bowl has turned into a festival. There's a lot of excitement. There are a lot of ‘to do’ lists," says Chmielewski.

Chmielewski  says her team has 20 days to convert Ceasar Chavez Plaza from a Christmas park to a fully-functioning Super Bowl park, capable of handling tens of thousands of people. She said they have sought out some professional help.

"It's an amazing organization. They're called Ground Swell and they activated a park in Philadelphia, changing visitations from a few hundred a day to several tens of thousands," says Chmielewski. "With something this large, it's a moving target. Things change daily.”

“You have to be flexible and that's the one thing we've built every plan on the basis of knowing, 'Hey, something might have to shift or need to change,'" adds Bruce.

Super Bowl City opens on January 30th and is free to all.

Team San Jose is having a drawing for some free Super Bowl tickets at www.sanjose.org.