Injured bobcat nursed back to health and released into the wild

Photo: Lindsay Wildlife Center

A bobcat that nearly died when hit by a car in August has recovered and was released back into the wild Wednesday, a spokeswoman for a Walnut Creek wildlife center said.

The bobcat was found with a broken pelvis on the side of a road near Crockett months ago. The Lindsay Wildlife Experience museum took care of him at first, then transferred the critter to the Wildlife Center of Silicon Valley, which had more space.

"When we first saw this bobcat, we really didn't think he was going to make it," Dr. Cheryl McCormick, executive director of Lindsay Wildlife, said. "But with excellent care and time, he was ready to be released back to where he belongs: The wild."

Lindsay's staff kept the bobcat on strict cage rest while his pelvis healed, feeding him on expensive but healthful whole trout, spokeswoman Elisabeth Nardi said. Once better, he was transferred to the Wildlife Center in San Jose.

After a month there, and after proving he could hunt on his own again, he was brought back to Lindsay so the rehabilitation team could release him near where he was found, Nardi said.

At dusk Wednesday, the bobcat was released in the hills near Crockett with the help of the East Bay Regional Park District. He took a while to leave the crate, but eventually darted off, Nardi said.