East Bay musician performs in honor of son killed in Oakland

An East Bay musician performed in honor of his 24-year-old son gunned down in East Oakland. The shooting happened Monday and so far the gunman has not been caught and a motive has not been determined.

He goes by Chuck Lounge, a stage name for the lead singer of the band Tortilla Soup. Wednesday's summer concert in Sunnyvale was more for him than the fans. For him, it was his therapy.

“They have no idea,” said Lounge. “They come out to have a good time. They have no idea how much I need them tonight. I need them.”

It’s his therapy after his 24-year-old son Kaylen Tate was shot and killed in East Oakland on Monday.

“I’m angry,” said Lounge. “I’m hurt. I’m sad. A lot of emotions. I wouldn't wish this on anyone.”

He said his son was going to work. He’s a contractor for Amazon. Tate was sitting in the car with a friend outside his mother’s home on 66th Avenue in Oakland Monday around 10:30 a.m. when another car pulled up and started shooting. Tate was struck once, rushed to Highland Hospital where he died.

“They came out and told us they couldn't save him and the bullet went to his heart,” said Lounge.

Tate’s friend was also shot and survived. His father does not believe his son was the intended target saying Tate had no enemies, not into drugs or gangs.

“He was totally colorblind,” said Lounge. “We were robbed of him by carelessness, by people who have no regards for human life.”

Embraced with hugs from his bandmates and fans, his band prayed over their lead singer before they took to the stage. On stage, they opened with Tate’s favorite song, a Marvin Gaye classic. Throughout the night, the entertainer played in his son's memory.

Tortilla Soup is holding a fundraiser Friday, August 2 at the Drying Shed in San Jose. Proceeds will be given to Tate’s children. He leaves behind three of them, ages six, four and two.