2-year-old mistakes bride for princess from her favorite book

A young girl's dream came true when she met the "princess" from her favorite book.

That princess was actually Shandace Robertson, a bride on her wedding day in Ballard, a neighborhood of Seattle. 

A young mother and her 2-year-old were walking by the bride and groom taking photos when the young girl said to her mother, "There's a princess!"

After seeing the girl smile at her, Shandace walked over to the pair. The little girl showed her the book she was holding, "The Woman in White" by Wilkie Collins.

The book is not actually about a princess, but has a woman in a long white gown on the cover. Her mother says the little girl loves the cover and carried it around with her for a week straight. 

Shandace gave the girl a rose from her bouquet and they took photos together. 

The girl's mother had the photos printed and says every time the little girl sees the photos she says "There's the Princess of Ballard!"

Shandace's husband, Scott, says meeting the little girl "was the cherry on top of the perfect day".

Note: the mother of the young girl asked that they not be named.