BART employee tests positive for COVID-19

BART being disinfected by a worker. Snap shot of video on

An employee at Bay Area Rapid Transit has tested positive for COVID-19, officials said on Tuesday. 

BART did not specify what position the employee holds, only that they have a "front-line" role and interact with the public as part of their job.

Transit officials said the employee used a mask, gloves and socially distanced during their shifts prior to the test and that the employee is now quarantined. 

BART said the last time this employee worked with the public was on Sunday. 

"Our contact tracing shows the employee had no close contact with the public, however spent time in stations and on trains throughout the system. All identified employee contacts have been quarantined for testing," BART said. 

BART added two employees in "behind the scenes" roles have recovered after testing positive in recent weeks. They had also quarantined. 

BART has implemented new safety measures during the coronavirus pandemic that has greatly reduced ridership and the trains running schedule. The trains are now being fogged with disinfectant every 24 hours and touch points on cars are wiped down at the end of each run, officials said.