Huggies highlights dads on diaper boxes for first time

Diaper maker, Huggies is giving dads some love and celebrating their roles in a new campaign that puts men on its diaper boxes.

It's part of the roll-out of the company's new Special Delivery diapers, a new premium line that promises a product that provides the "ultimate softness, performance, and plant-based materials" for babies.  

There are seven different diaper box designs: Three of them feature men with babies, and four show women with babies.

In the past, Huggies has been criticized for ads portraying dads as being disconnected in the parenting role. But now many are praising the company for being more inclusive.

In a statement, a Huggies representative told KTVU. "We are thrilled with the response to the touching photography featured on our Huggies Special Delivery products. While Huggies has previously featured dads in our advertising, this is the first time Huggies has prominently included dads with babies on packaging in celebration of the important role dads play in families."

The company is also receiving praising for including African-American men as part of the new campaign. 

On July 2, Facebook user Joe Flowers Jr. took to social media and posted a photo of a new Huggies Special Deliver box featuring a black man and baby. His post has since gone viral with more than 28K likes and being shared more than 81K times.

Along with the photo, he included this caption: "Huggies done went and put a black father on the package of their diapers. This is a first in history look how far we've come. I'm about to buy these for no reason whatsoever."

"We're proud to feature a diversity of dads and moms in the campaign," Huggies representative Sarah Lary said. "The touching imagery of dads is really connecting with parents and we couldn't be more excited!"