Nurse finds 15th wedding anniversary ring intact among wildfire ashes

Sometimes it's just the little things.

As a retired California Highway Patrol officer and his wife, a nurse, were rooting around in the rubble in Santa Rosa after their home was damaged in the devastating wildfires, something caught their eye.

Beneath the rocks and debris, Eric Rozenoff and his wife, Patricia Prosser Rozenoff, found her sparkling ring intact in its box. It was her 15th anniversary ring. She shrieked with San Francisco firefighters approached them, who where there in the area offering their help.

"The ring had every beautiful stone intact," according to the San Francisco Local 798 firefighters union, who tweeted and Instagramed photographs of the smiling couple.

"With all the devastation, it's nice to try to focus on a little something positive," the firefighters said.

Via email, Prosser Rozenoff told KTVU on Tuesday that she loved how the photos captured "our moment of joy in this tragic experience."