Water savers in Moraga share conservation tips

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As much as we've heard about water wasters in the last few months, most people overall, have been water savers. One Moraga household is being commended on their heroic water-saving efforts. 

At last, the drains are running on the street in front of Richard Verad's Moraga home. Despite living in a manicured, gated neighborhood, the East Bay Municipal Utility District says the Verads took the call to save water seriously.

"Richard is a remarkable example of what customers all across the East Bay are doing to save water," says Tracie Morales-Noisy, spokeswoman for East Bay MUD.

"We decided to join the rest of the community and start saving," says Verad.

Compared to August, September and October of last year, when he averaged 650 gallons a day, 175 gallons is this year's daily average: an almost 70 percent savings.

One of their tricks: The Verad's save cold shower water in a bucket.

"It's a one floor house and it's a long distance and so, for two or three minutes you get cold water," says Verad. That saved water is then used to flush toilets, eliminating several flushes a day. 

They installed an instant hot water dispenser in the kitchen to avoid waiting for hot tap water. This new dishwasher is ultra-water efficient as is the washing machine. The Verad's did many things to save water, but the biggest savings came on the outside.

"We stopped watering the lawn. That was number one. It's kind of green but it's just coming back from the rains," he says. He also showed us another major water saving effort. "We didn't use the swimming pool. We basically did not run it for the last six months; all during the summer. The pool was half way down.  We did not use it. We're running the pump; just to clean it up. But the last winds and rains just filled it up again," says Verad.

What's the impact of saving almost three gallons out of every four? "I don't think we felt any hardship," concludes Verad. "What's important to remember is we're still in a Stage 4 Drought. We're all in this drought together," adds Morales-Noisy.