2 orphaned fawns rescued by Good Samaritans
MARIN COUNTY, Calif. (KTVU) - Two orphaned newborn fawns are getting plenty of TLC after arriving at WildCare's Wildlife Hospital in West Marin.
According to the Marin Humane Society, a man accidentally hit a mother deer with his pickup truck, and noticed two fawns were still alive.
He waved down a Good Samaritan, who pulled over to help.
The pair gently lifted the wobbly legged fawns out of the road and protected them while they waited for help.
Since cell reception was spotty in the area, another passerby agreed to stop at the fire department to alert authorities.
A sheriff later arrived on scene, followed by Marin Humane officers.
The fawns, which were in desperate need of care, were rushed to WildCare’s Wildlife Hospital in San Rafael.
The newborns were wrapped in warm blankets and given subcutaneous fluids. They were also given an electrolyte solution designed specifically for fawns.
The fawns will be taken to Fawn Rescue in Sonoma as soon as possible in hopes of eliminating the chance the fawns will imprint on humans.
Rescuers plan to return the fawns to the wild as soon as they're old enough.