Bikes built for kids impacted by imprisoned parents

Christmas can be very difficult for families with incarcerated loved ones. 

A legal advocacy group called All of Us or None is making sure the children of over 100 families get a special Christmas gift this year.

All of Us or None is the community organizing component for the advocacy group Legal Services for Prisoners with Children, or LSPC, a grassroots organization dedicated to keeping families whole.

This year, for their 24th annual "Community Giveback," nearly 60 volunteers are assembling 268 bikes. 

A total of 111 families will be served this year, just in time for Christmas. 

"Every year it gets bigger and bigger," said Tanisha Cannon, managing director for LSPC and All of Us or None.

"Because there are more men in prison, the most people directly affected during these times are women who are also taking care of incarcerated fiancés, husbands, and domestic partners," said Ivana Cortez, policy analyst for LSPC.

Families get involved when All of Us or None sends registration forms to prisons across the state. 

Incarcerated people sign up, and a bike or other gift goes to their child.

"It’s 100% fully donated program that we’re working with," said Cannon.

Most of the volunteers assembling bikes are also formerly incarcerated, so they understand what it’s like.

"I witnessed the crowded visiting rooms and all the mothers in there with their children," said Malcolm Scott, a formerly incarcerated volunteer.

"While incarcerated, I was the recipient of these kinds of programs that helped keep me and my children connected," said Taqwaa Bonner, housing advocate for LSPC.

The connection between them and their children is the hope they need to focus on life after prison, Bonner noted.

For the volunteers, it’s the reactions they get from the kids that keep them going.

Bonner said, "I pulled one of the bikes out of the back of the truck and handed it over to the young man, and he just jumped on the bike and as he was riding my bike. He was yelling out, ‘I love my dad, I love my dad!’" 

The bikes will be distributed on December 9th at McClymonds High School in Oakland to the kids of incarcerated people. 

The organization is always looking for help, so if you are interested in assembling bikes, donating, or being part of the giveaway, visit