Bloodhound searches for missing service dog in Concord

Missing dog Trixie (left) Search bloodhound Glory (right). Glory will search for Trixie in Concord Wednesday. 

A service dog named "Trixie" has been missing for about week.

Lando Coldiron tells KTVU Trixie, a 1-year-old lab terrier mix, vanished after she was hit by a car. Trixie had been playing at a dog park in Concord when she got out. After she was hit, Trixie was spooked and took off. It did not appear Trixie had been badly injured.

Trixie's owner is desperate to get her back. That's when Linda Coldiron of Los Angeles and her award winning bloodhound "Glory" were called in to help.

Glory will be searching the streets of Concord on Wednesday. She'll smell Trixie's dog bed and follow the scent to hopefully track down the lost pup.

Coldiron tells KTVU Glory was the 2015 Search Dog of the Year for the American Humane Society and has helped find many missing pets.

Glory will be joined by two bloodhounds and a pet detective as the group hopes to find Trixie Wednesday.