Caltrans reopens I-680 in Sunol after freeway work

Still image courtesy Caltrans CCTV.
ALAMEDA COUNTY, Calif. - A stretch of Interstate Highway 680 in Sunol that was closed during the long holiday weekend has reopened ahead of schedule, Caltrans said Monday afternoon.
Northbound I-680 between Koopman Road and Sunol Boulevard is open after Caltrans repaved about 7,500 feet of pavement over the President's Day weekend. The work was expected to last until early Tuesday, but the road reopened early, at about 2:40 p.m. Monday.
During the closure, crews worked around the clock to remove and replace entire sections of the freeway, according to Caltrans. The work was part of a roadway reconstruction project on northbound I-680 stretching from Sunol to San Ramon.
The closure, which started Friday night, is the second of three weekend closures on the freeway.
Caltrans thanks the motoring public for your patience during the closure.
Weather permitting, the I-680 freeway is also scheduled to be closed in the northbound direction between Sunol Boulevard and Bernal Avenue next weekend, from 10 p.m. Friday, Feb. 24 to 5 a.m. Monday, Feb. 27.
Southbound I-680 will remain open and will not be affected by the closure.