Dad captures photo of shark next to 10-year-old surfer

(Chris Hasson via AP)

In this photo from Jan. 24, 2017, provided by Chris Hasson, 10-year-old Eden Hasson, Chris' son, surfed near what is believed to be a great white shark at Samurai Beach, Port Stephens, Australia.

James Cook University shark researcher Andrew Chin says the photographed shark is possibly a small great white. 

According to reports when Chris took the photos of his son Eden he noticed the shark in the wave. He yelled out to his son to warn him. 

"Eden had come in, actually, and I was on the rocks shooting and I said, 'Why don't you go out and get one more wave?' And so he paddled past me on the rocks through the rip, and I said, 'make sure you get a left,' because the lefts look really good off the point. Anyway, he has taken off on the wave and just before he took off, I thought I saw a dark shape, but I just kept taking the photos. He finished on the beach, it was a beautiful wave, and curiosity got me looking at the first shot, I couldn't see anything. The second shot I zoomed in and I realized what I had captured. And he was always like every grommet is, going back out for one more. And I quickly pulled him in and called 'shark' to the other four boys out there. And we had a look on the beach and obviously everyone is high-fiving and going 'Wow,' you know, 'what a photo,'" said Chris. 

Eden says he was shocked to learn he was surfing right next to a shark. 

The shark is estimated to be 8 feet long.