Female awarded scholarships to study technology

CloudNOW logo courtesy of Twitter account @cloudnow_org.

CloudNOW, an organization that supports women in technology, has awarded $30,000 in STEM scholarships to six promising female students in the Bay Area and India, a spokeswoman said.

Google and Accenture donated $20,000 to be split up between three students at San Francisco's Holberton School of Software Engineering, according to a spokeswoman. The money is to be used as a cost of living stipend, the spokeswoman said.

Holberton is named for Frances Elizabeth "Betty" Holberton, one of the programmers of the ENIAC, one of the earliest programmable computers.

Three students at a school operated by the Shanti Bhavan Children's Project in India split up $10,000 in funding underwritten by Intel, Apcera and CB Technologies, the spokeswoman said.

The scholarship awards were created with the goal of enabling the next generation of leaders in overcoming social and financial inequities.