Hayward establishes community relief fund to help residents during COVID-19
Some public health officials are now saying wearing masks are beneficial to prevent coronavirus spread
Los Angeles' mayor is now recommending people who go outside to wear a mask or even a homemade mask or bandana to prevent the coronavirus from further spreading. The public health officer in Riverside County gave similar advice, but Gov. Newsom cautioned masks should not be used as substitutes for social distancing.
HAYWARD, Calif (KTVU) - City of Hayward officials announced on Thursday they have formed the Hayward Community Relief Fund to receive and direct charitable donations to sustain and protect residents and businesses during the novel coronavirus emergency.
The city said it is establishing the fund in response to expressions of interest from residents, businesses and organizations about ways of contributing money and materials to support their neighbors and community during the COVID-19 crisis.
Hayward officials said an initial focus of the fund will be assistance to their most economically vulnerable residents, especially those who are experiencing a loss of their earnings without paid sick leave or access to unemployment benefits.
The city said other areas of emphasis will include supporting small businesses to curb job losses as well as funding to maintain the free COVID-19 testing services initiated by its fire department with the support of Local 1909 of the International Association of Fire Fighters.
Contributions to the fund will be received by the East Bay Community Foundation and will be distributed to those most in need via nonprofit organizations based on recommendations and direction from a city advisory team.
People who want to learn about how to contribute to the fund or receive support from it can visit www.hayward-ca.gov/ReliefFund or call (510) 583-4227.