Livermore officer resigns report of inappropriate conduct

A Livermore Police officer resigned after being accused of engaging in a series of sexual encounters with a woman he first met at her home as he responded to a health-related call. 

According to Livermore Police, the officer responded to that call in June. After that, the woman reported the officer persuaded her to engage in a series of sexual encounters while on-duty. 

Livermore Police received a report of the accusations in October and began investigating. The officer was placed on administrative leave and later resigned.  

Chief Michael Harris said, “I do not have to wait for the results of investigation to make this very clear — any report of inappropriate conduct on the part of a police officer is something I take extremely seriously. We simply cannot tolerate any conduct that diminishes the trust our community places in us. The men and women of the Livermore Police Department work hard every day to earn the trust of our residents, and we intend to guard that trust vigilantly.“

The results of the criminal investigation have been handed over to the Alameda County District Attorney's Office to make the decision on whether charges should be brought against the former officer. 

At this point, additional details have not been released.