Marches, protests to support Black Lives Matter planned around the Bay Area

Several protests in support of the Black Lives Matter movement are planned Saturday around the Bay Area, including a march from Oakland to Berkeley and a demonstration at the Vallejo Police Department.

The "Taking a Knee for Change: Say Their Names" event in the East Bay is underway, with protesters gathering at Rockridge BART station in Oakland and planning to march to Berkeley. The event includes speeches at Sproul Plaza at UC Berkeley and a moment of silence to honor the life of George Floyd and other victims of police brutality.

Organizers, from SEIU Local 1021 and a coalition of labor and community leaders, will present a list of demands calling for the civilianizing of police departments and increasing investments into community and social services. 

In Milpitas at 2 p.m., there will be a NAACP March for Black Lives, from Milpitas City Hall to the police station. 

In San Francisco, a 3 p.m. "Bay Area Blackout" event will start at Mission High School followed by a march to city hall.

Another march will take place at 3 p.m. in Vallejo, where Vessels of Vallejo Demanding Change will rally and march from city hall to the Vallejo Police Department.