Napa Sheriff's Office: Looting is minimal; less than 5 arrests

In case you were wondering, the reports of looting as a result of the North Bay fires are minimal in Napa County, according to the sheriff's office and the district attorney. 

Concerns have been widespread with many local media outlets reporting on the issue, but D.A., Allison Haley announced on Monday that law enforcement presence around the perimeter of the fire, "has likely deterred criminals from taking advantage of this tragedy." 

At this time there have been less than five arrests of suspected looters in the county by law enforcement since the onset of fires on October 8, according to the sheriff's office. 

In Sonoma County three people were arrested for suspected looting over the weekend. They were from San Rafael, Oakland and San Francisco. However, reports there have been minimal as well with law enforcement officials reminding at a Friday news conference that only five arrests of looting suspects were made since the fires began at that point. That number grew to about a dozen arrests by Monday. 

Perhaps because of the hype or a protective nature, photos of evacuees and North Bay residents posting sings that say things like "You loot, we shoot" and other potential looter warnings have been popping up on social media. 

Authorities in Napa and Sonoma counties are saying they are on the lookout for price gouges 

If you do suspect someone is looting, call 911 or your local law enforcement agency. If you return to your
home and believe that items have been stolen, call your local law enforcement agency immediately.