NASA live feed ends after mysterious object enters Earth's atmosphere

Photo: YouTube / Streetcap1
(FOX 11) - Some conspiracy theorists are accusing NASA of cutting the International Space Station's (ISS) live feed to cover up an unknown object entering the Earth's atmosphere.
The object was captured on the ISS feed on July 9 and uploaded to YouTube by online UFO hunter Streetcap1.
"Remember a UFO is an unidentified flying object," Streetcap1 wrote in the video description. "This could well be a meteor or the like. What made it interesting was the camera cut off when the UFO seemed to stop."
Other enthusiasts have suggested the theory that it could be the Chinese space cargo ship Tiangong-1.
According to a spokesperson, NASA never intentionally shuts down live transmission to hide UFOs. Loss of video is usually due to loss of signals from the ISS, the Mirror reported.
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