Oakland McDonald's employees strike over rat infestation

Oakland's Jackson Street McDonald's is currently shut down due to a rat infestation.
OAKLAND, Calif. - Employees at an Oakland McDonald's went on strike Thursday over a rat infestation, according to the California Fast Food Workers Union.
The union says the workers at the 1330 Jackson St. location were threatened to be fired if they "documented the rats" by management.

Oakland's Jackson Street McDonald's is currently shut down due to a rat infestation.
"Rather than fixing the problem, our managers told us, 'Do not take photos or videos inside the store, or you will receive a warning or be dismissed," Oscar, a McDonald's worker on strike, told the union.
According to the union, one worker says they've accidentally touched rat feces because of its prevalence in the restaurant.
In a statement to KTVU, McDonald's owner and operator Joseph Wong said pest control was immediately contacted when they learned of the infestation.
"It's very important to me as a small business owner in Oakland that my employees have a safe place to come to work. When we became aware of the issue, we immediately contacted pest control and continue to work with them to address," said Wong.
KTVU reached out to the Alameda County Department of Environment Health for comment and is awaiting to hear back.
The restaurant remains closed as of Sunday.