Oakland middle schoolers head to Hawaii for special spring break trip

Twelve Oakland middle schoolers were selected for a trip that will change their lives.

The students are headed to Hawaii this weekend for spring break thanks to a partnership between Oakland Unified School District and a luggage company called State Bags.

The group is hopping on a bus Sunday morning in Oakland, then flying out of San Francisco International Airport. Many of them have never been on a plane before.

According to State Bag's website, its founders take pride in engaging in community and doing what they can to help the underserved. They say they want to shift the narratives around social injustices.

"It's about the gift of travel," said the company's co-founder. "It's about getting out of your comfort zone, feeling nervous. Working with these kids is exciting."

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During the trip, students will experience Hawaii's culture, language and food. They will be hiking in the islands of Oahu and Maui, and also learn about marine wildlife.

The students will fly back to Oakland Saturday.
