Police arrest protesters in wheelchairs trying to save their health care

U.S. Capitol Police say they arrested 181 demonstrators who delayed a Senate hearing on health care, protesting Republican efforts to scuttle Obamacare.

Police on Tuesday carried some demonstrators out of the hearing room and took out others in wheelchairs as scores chanted, "No cuts to Medicaid, save our liberty."

"If you want a hearing, you better shut up," said panel Chairman Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, as the noise erupted.

The protest came as Republicans are trying to salvage their latest last-ditch bill proposed by Sens. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., and Bill Cassidy, R-La.l, to repeal and replace Barack Obama's Affordable Care Act.

In a statement late Monday, the police say they arrested 15 demonstrators and charged them with disruption of Congress.

The police also arrested 143 people in the hallway outside the committee hearing room. They were charged with crowding and obstructing.

Twenty-three people were charged with crowding, obstructing and resisting arrest.

Maine's Republican Sen. Susan Collins says she's against the health care bill. That means there are more than enough Senate GOP opponents to kill the party's drive to repeal President Barack Obama's health care overhaul.

The only remaining hope for the White House and party leaders is to change opponents' minds. A showdown will come this week.