Report of person possibly being drugged at Cal fraternity
BERKELEY, Calif. - Campus police are reminding students at University of California at Berkeley to take precautions in light of a recent alleged drugging at the school.
On Thursday, campus police said they received a report that one or more individuals may have been drugged at one of the school's fraternities.
Campus police recommend that anyone who may been victimized after being drugged should seek medical treatment and should also consider filing a police report.
"We encourage students to be cautious and use good personal safety tips," Berkeley police Officer Jennifer Coats said in an email. "If a victim wishes to come forward we ask that they please contact us."
In order to reduce the risk of getting drugged, campus police recommend students do not leave drinks unattended at social gatherings. Also, students should be wary of accepting drinks from people they do not know very well.
Students should also try pouring their own drinks and avoid sharing drinks with others, campus police said.
If anyone believes they or a their friend may have been drugged, symptoms to look for include dizziness and nausea, memory loss, breathing or motion difficulties and acting disproportionately intoxicated relative to the
amount of alcohol consumed, according to campus police.