San Francisco's AsiaSF to close in March

SAN FRANCISCO - A groundbreaking San Francisco restaurant and performance space is getting ready to close its doors.
AsiaSF, on 9th Street in the South of Market neighborhood, is known for its Asian-fusion menu and its choreographed shows featuring transgender stars.
Like many businesses, AsiaSF has struggled since COVID. The owner told KTVU the restaurant will close March 31, after nearly 26 years.
The closing date coincides with the International Transgender Day of Visibility.
"The word transgender was not really part of our vocabulary back then," said Larry Hashbarger, AsiaSF founder and CEO. "We've evolved with the transgender community, in terms of the language and the message, really trying to educate the public about diversity, human diversity, and really do it in a fun and entertaining way."
The venue's owners are inviting people to make a reservation and enjoy a meal and a show before the closure. After that, the owners say they hope to do some pop-up events to continue its legacy.
'You feel like a goddess': AsiaSF celebrates 25 years of transgender performances
AsiaSF celebrates 25 years of music and food an entertainment by transgender performers.