SF Police Officers Union publishes photo in newsletter said to be in poor taste
SAN FRANCISCO (KTVU) - A photo placed in the San Francisco Police Officers Association newsletter is sparking controversy. The picture shows two dogs— one black and the other white.
"It sort of trivializes the tragedies that we're in," says Pastor Amos Brown President of San Francisco NAACP.
The black dog is wearing a sign that says, "Black labs matter" the other "All labs matter." Some say this is a blatant knock against the Black Lives Matter movement.
"You now have brought a human rights issue down to the level of a dog? Am I no more important than a dog?
I'm insulted by that," said Sgt. Yulanda Williams of San Francisco Police Department. Williams is also the president of the Officers for Justice.
She says although she's not a member of Black Lives Matter, as a black woman she understands the struggle they're facing. That's why she's not only offended by the picture, but also the caption next to it which reads:
“Maybe it’s time we all just sit back and tone down the rhetoric."
"This is why the public doesn't want to trust certain people because these kind of tricks are pulled," said Williams.
San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee made a statement about the photo at a news conference.
"Given the backlash to those images, people are not going to accept it. Do better. Let's all do better, let’s get on that road to better communications," said Mayor Lee.
It's worth noting that the caption under the picture says it was forwarded by a friend and supporter of the POA, but some say the Association is responsible for what goes into its publication.
"Ignorance is not an excuse. The POA newspaper is viewed by several people before it's approved and I know members of the Board actually look at it," said Williams.
"For this Association to cheapen the issue, to be so insensitive to the pain says that we have a lot to do," says Brown.
KTVU reached out to the SF Police Officers Association but didn't get a response to e-mail or phone calls.
As for the police department, the only thing being said is that it’s a matter for the POA.