That Kid's Got Game: 'One Arm Golfer' also plays baseball and he hits home runs

A young boy who at three years old captivated the nation for his courage as a one-arm golfer just let everyone know he’s still got skills. Eight-year-old Tommy Morrissey also plays baseball and hits home runs. He recently hit two in as many games.

The two long balls came after Tommy visited the St. Louis Cardinals spring training facility in Jupiter Florida, where Tommy received hitting tips from three-time all-star Chris Carpenter. Tommy's instagram account likened his extra power to the recent MLB experience. "That batting practice with #ChrisCarpenter and Cardinals last week must have ben the magic sauce," the post said. 

The Florida boy hasn’t let a biological barrier keep him from inspiring the golf community and basically everyone else with a pulse. If you’ve ever played golf, you know it’s an incredibly frustrating game and it’s the small victories that keep you on the course. Well, try keeping one arm behind your back next time you play 18 holes and see if you don’t launch every club straight into the nearest body of water. 

Tommy Morrissey is not deterred by the frustrations of the sport, and that’s, presumably, due largely to the inherent adversity he must overcome each time plays. He’s a massive victory for the golf world and this week’s talent on That Kid’s Got Game

Tommy, an ambassador for the unLIMBeted Foundation’s Financial Aid Fund, was born missing most of his right arm. Since appearing on national TV when he was three years old, he’s been grinding on the golf course while hosting the One Arm Challenge (closet to the pin) at a variety of charity golf events. 

And he’s coming off a productive year, according to Tommy’s Instagram account. In 2018, he qualified for the U.S. Kids Golf World Championships for the fourth year and was featured on HBO’s “Real Sports” with Bryant Gumbel. 

His Instagram account, full of impressive, fun-loving videos, has garnered nearly 40k followers. Tommy recently let his viewers the secret to his impressive game: He watches hours of golf on TV. Studying the likes of Rory McIlroy and Tiger Woods is only fruitful on a seriously competitive level when supplemented with hours of practice, of course.

As he continues to compete at the highest levels for his age, we’ll keep following because the inspiration aspect of social media should be celebrated and Tommy is a terrific model for this notion. 


That Kid’s Got Game was created as a fun way to display kids with standout sports skills. If you have game, or you want know someone with game, we want to see it. Visit here for information on how to submit.