Walnut Creek UPS workers say timecard altered, pay withheld

Four Walnut Creek-based UPS employees have sued the company, accusing it of tampering with timecards, not paying workers for work-related activity such as undergoing COVID-19 checks, and not adhering to state rules regarding COVID-19-related sick pay.

The suit, filed Wednesday in Contra Costa County Superior Court, is asking for class-action status, presumably so other UPS employees with grievances against the company could join. UPS supervisor William Turman is also named in the suit.

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Drivers Matthew Ulricksen, Shane Barlow, James Jones, and warehouse worker Joshua Stuart, allege supervisors altered timecards several times after they punched in at the Walnut Creek facility.

The suit says in the case of the three drivers, it was done to skirt U.S. Department of Transportation rules saying they can't work more than 60 hours per week.

Ulricksen alleges his timecard was altered Feb. 4, and later changed back after he complained. He filed an official complaint with the company, which allegedly told him it investigated and took action, though they didn't specify the action taken.

Ulricksen said his timecard was altered again March 24, May 5 and May 10, the two latter days through a new timekeeping system that rounded his starting time up 15 minutes.

Ulricksen also alleges in the suit he wasn't given state-mandated supplemental sick time for three sick days he took in April as he experienced side effects from getting the COVID-19 vaccine.

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Barlow alleges his timecard was altered to reflect later start times at least twice. Jones alleges "multiple occasions" of altered timecards in 2020 and 2021. Stuart alleges "several" similar accusations in 2021.

All four allege not being paid for work-related events, including regular, required COVID-19 security screenings, during which they're required to stand in line outside the facility with employee IDs and answer questions before being allowed in.

UPS spokesman Matthew O'Connor said the company is reviewing the complaint.

"UPS appreciates the hard work of our employees," O'Connor said. "We offer several ways to report and resolve issues with confidence and have policies and procedures to ensure that all of our employees are paid for the work they perform. We will review the allegations, investigate the situation, and respond accordingly."

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