Capitol Corridor train strikes unoccupied vehicle in Solano County, no injuries reported

Photo of Capitol Corridor train that struck a vehicle that was unoccupied via Twitter user @underasail

A Capitol Corridor train struck a vehicle Monday evening east of Fairfield-Vacaville station. Transportation officials confirmed the car that was struck was unoccupied. There were no injuries reported. 

Capitol Corridor tweeted about the incident shortly after 6:30 p.m. The train's route is from Sacramento to San Jose. The incident caused a more than two and a half hour delay. 

A Twitter user @underasail had a lengthy thread about the incident. They said the train's staff told passengers the train struck a vehicle trying to cross Pitt School Road in Dixon. They also said the crash caused the train's power to go out including its ventilation system. 

Video shared online shows a tow truck attempting to remove the smashed car from the tracks, but the vehicle is ripped apart.

By 9 p.m. the train was back on the move, only to be stopped again about 40 minutes later for an inspection at the Fairfield-Vacaville station. 

Solano CountyNews