Cat shipped in Amazon box from Utah to California

Carrie Clark hugs her cat Galena after they reunite when the cat accidentally ended up in an Amazon shipping box and transported to California. (Photo courtesy of Brandy Hunter)

A couple was reunited with their beloved cat after the animal made an unbelievable journey in an Amazon package. 

The cat's owner, Carrie Stevens Clark, wrote in a Facebook post that Galena went missing on April 10.

The family searched their home and neighborhood for a week to find Galena, Clark wrote, adding that they put up flyers shared on social media.

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woman who spotted cat in amazon package

Brandy Hunter, an Amazon employee, spotted the cat in a shipping box in Jurupa, California. (Brandy Hunter)

"Nothing made any sense!! I was beyond devastated! Galena is a huge emotional support to me. My family knows "she’s my kitty." She’s helped me get through really tough stuff in life. I couldn’t imagine living life without her," Clark wrote. 

But a week later, Clark received a call from a veterinarian in California informing her that Galena’s microchip had been scanned 650 miles away near Riverside, California. 

The feline, unknowingly to the family, jumped in one of their Amazon return packages. 

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Galena was mailed to a return center in California and trapped in a box and trailer for six days. 

But Brandy Hunter, an Amazon employee, spotted Galena in the shipping box in Jurupa, California. 

Hunter took the cat to a local veterinarian and shared the good news with Clark, who posted the reunion with Galena on Facebook

This story was reported from Washington, D.C. 


Pets and AnimalsUnusualPets and Animals