Victory gardens from the World War era are making a comeback

Many Americans are turning to an old wartime hobby during the coronavirus pandemic - planting victory gardens.

”We have had a large increase of customers buying vegetable starts, fruit trees, vegetable seed,” said Kevin Sadlier with Green Jeans Garden Supply in Mill Valley. He has been busy with both old and new customers. Many are preparing home gardens during the COVID-19 pandemic - at a time when the economy is struggling and food security is uncertain.

”I think people are hunkering down and are beginning to wonder about the food supply coupled with the fact they are hunkered down. And they want to have something to do at home. Gardening is a perfect activity for the family.”

Victory gardens came about during World War I and again during World War II. The government encouraged the public to grow food at home to feed their families.

Even if you don’t have a green thumb or big yard you can still have a successful garden. Sadlier says, ”You can grow on the ground in pots things like tomatoes, herbs, parsley and of course flowers which bring the pollinators. You can even compost in an apartment with a worm bin.”