Walnut Creek restaurant raising money for first responders

A longtime Walnut Creek restaurant is finding a new way to stay in business, while giving back to first responders.

Sunrise Bistro is one of the many businesses struggling financially because of the new guidelines in place due to the coronavirus outbreak.

So the owners started a GoFundMe account to allow people to donate money which is used to keep the business open, and also to provide meals for health care workers, paramedics, police, and firefighters.

The owners say they want to lift the spirits of first responders on the front lines battling COVID-19.

The goal is to raise $100,000.

So far, Sunrise Bistro workers have delivered dozens of meals to the ER at Kaiser in Walnut Creek. Over the weekend, they dropped off 80 free breakfasts at Highland Hospital in Oakland.

On Monday,  they delivered food to paramedics with AMR in Concord.

If you want to make a donation, click here.