California convoy opposing COVID-19 mandates hits the road

A small convoy of truckers demanding an end to coronavirus mandates began a cross-country drive from California to Washington, D.C. Convoy vehicles carried signs with slogans such as “Legalize freedom” and “Let them breathe.”

Larry Elder on California mask mandate: The whole thing is a joke

"As you saw at the Super Bowl, 78,000 people not wearing masks, although remember the L.A. mayor wasn’t wearing a mask the other day at the NFC championship game. He was holding his breath. 78,000 people were holding their breath the entire game," Elder said in part.

COVID sick pay restored to California workers under new law

California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed legislation on Wednesday to extend COVID-19 supplemental paid sick leave for workers and bolster California’s investments to support small businesses hit hard by the pandemic. 

California governor criticized again for not wearing a mask

Gov. Gavin Newsom told reporters that he removed his mask only briefly for the photo with Magic Johnson and was otherwise "very judicious" about keeping it in place. He indicated he also removed it occasionally to sip water.