BART to consider reinstating mask mandate
BART's mask mandate ends Monday
Starting Monday, BART riders will not be required to wear a mask. In April, officials voted to require face coverings as a temporary measure, and that rule was effective until July 18.
SAN FRANCISCO - The board of directors for the Bay Area Rapid Transit agency will vote at its next meeting Thursday on whether to reinstate its mask mandate, the agency said in a news release.
The mandate would last until Oct. 1 unless extended by the Board of Directors. The policy would require all riders to wear masks that cover the nose and mouth.
This comes shortly after BART did away with its mask mandate on July 18. However, the transportation agency said it has made free masks available at station agent booths.
The Center for Disease Control still recommends that people wear masks indoors in public places as COVID still circulates throughout the Bay Area region.
BART has installed special air filters on all train cars, which are dense enough to trap the virus and provide an extra layer of protection to riders. Air is replaced every 70 seconds onboard cars mixing filtered air with fresh air, BART said.
In addition, all BART employees are fully vaccinated.