Biden puts foot in mouth with ‘gay waiter' comment at Pride weekend fundraiser

Former Vice President Joe Biden (DoD News photo by EJ Hersom)
FOX NEWS - Joe Biden continues to dig holes for himself with gaffes, even when he means well.
During a campaign fundraiser in Seattle on Saturday, the former vice president tried to illustrate how far the United States has come when it comes to the treatment of the LGBT community, but he apparently missed the mark.
Biden claimed that just five years ago, it would have been acceptable for a businessman to make “fun of a gay waiter,” the Washington Examiner reported. Those in attendance at the event, which took place at the home of public relations executive and gay rights activist Roger Nyhus, made it clear that was not the case - at least not in their city.
“Not in Seattle!” people called out, claiming that homophobic comments would not have been condoned in 2014.
The point of Biden’s remarks, delivered as the LGBT community and their allies celebrated Pride Weekend, was that the United States has made progress. He said the hypothetical businessman he spoke of “would not be invited back” today.
Biden also spoke about how he supported same-sex marriage when he was vice president, according to the Seattle Times, telling White House officials that the American people were in favor of this, even if leadership was lagging behind on the issue.
This latest misstep comes soon after Biden tried to rehabilitate his image when it comes to race relations, only to be called out by opponent Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J.
"That kid wearing a hoodie may very well be the next poet laureate and not a gangbanger," Biden said, illustrating the dangers of stereotyping while invoking the image of Trayvon Martin, a black teen who was shot in 2012.
Booker was not satisfied with how Biden made his point.
"This isn’t about a hoodie. It’s about a culture that sees a problem with a kid wearing a hoodie in the first place," he tweeted on Friday. "Our nominee needs to have the language to talk about race in a far more constructive way."
In Thursday's Democratic debate, Biden found himself on the defensive when Sen. Kamala Harris of California criticized his messaging when he spoke about his ability to work with segregationists in the past, as well as his opposition to federally mandated busing as a means of integrating public schools.
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