California inflation relief: next round of payments going out
Next round of inflation payments going out
The next round of inflation relief checks for California residents are set to go out today. So far, about 3.5 million people have received them. The checks, ranging from $200 and $1,050, are mean to help with rising gas costs and other expenses that increaed due to inflation.
California residents looking for their inflation debt relief payments may find the money deposited in their account this week.
The next round of payments, ranging from $200 to $1,050, are scheduled to be released today.
So far, 3.5 million Californians have received their share of the program. It was designed to help with rising inflation that's pushed up prices for gas, groceries and other basic necessities.
The size of the payment depends on an individual's income and family size.
Residents who filed their taxes electronically may see the money in their accounts tomorrow.
Find out more about whether you're eligible and how to calculate what payment to expect by clicking here.