California launches an 'army of volunteers' to capture spirit of generosity

Gov. Gavin Newsom announced the launch of a website to capture the spirit of Californian's generosity during the coronavirus outbreak.

He said he wanted corral an "army of volunteers" to help each other out during unprecedented tough economic times. 

"The happiest people I know are those who volunteer," he said. 

And with that, he unveiled the state's new Chief Service Officer Josh Fryday and the new website, Californians For All, so that "all those who are healthy" can step up and help.   

The site is organized so that people can sign up for what interests them, from donating blood to checking in on neighbors. 

At least 1,285 people have died from the new coronavirus in California as of Tuesday and more than 30,000 have been confirmed to have the virus, but Newsom has acknowledged that testing has lagged in the state of nearly 40 million. 

This story was reported from Oakland, Calif.