Chevron in Oakland hills targeted 3 times by burglars

A Chevron station in the Oakland hills has been targeted three times by burglars on consecutive weekends. 

The incidents have general manager Omar Rathod frustrated.

"We got hit three times, back to back to back, all Saturdays," he said.

Rathod is a 40-year employee with Ken Betts Company, which owns four Chevron stations in Oakland. One location on Redwood Road in the Oakland hills, has been broken into three times in recent weeks.

"I'm angry and frustrated - because they keep coming back, over and over. It's not only this location, our other locations are getting hit as well," he said.

The first incident happened just before midnight on Oct. 21. Surveillance video shows a man getting out of the back of a Kia Optima. He gets back in, and then the driver rams the car in reverse into the garage. 

The intruders stole $5,000 in tools.

Then, early the next morning, three intruders drove up in a Ford F-250 pickup truck. They rummaged around for a bit outside but apparently got spooked and left empty-handed.


Man followed to Piedmont home, robbed at gunpoint

Piedmont police are looking for two people who followed a man home and robbed him at gun point in his driveway.

This past weekend, two guys showed up in a stolen Chevy Silverado pickup truck. The passenger's even wearing the victim's clothes

"That was his outfit the guys were wearing," Rathod said.

"They went inside, and Ii think they took more stuff because they knew what they missed last time," he said.

The thieves again stole several thousand dollars in tools and cigarettes.

"They came back out of this way with cigarettes and stuff on their hands," Rathod said.

Oakland police are also investigating a separate break-in attempt at another Ken Betts Chevron at Lakeshore Avenue and Mandana Boulevard near Lake Merritt.

Several young men were caught on video trying unsuccessfully to break into the business at about 4 a.m. Wednesday.

"You opening the door, you're letting them take what they want and no consequences," Rathod said. "If I can catch them, I'll probably make them work for me for two months and repair and pay for the damages."

Henry Lee is a KTVU crime reporter. E-mail Henry at and follow him on Twitter @henrykleeKTVU and

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