Child's body found in Glenn County amid reports of missing Sacramento girl

GLENN COUNTY, Calif. (KTVU) - Sheriff's investigators in Glenn County say the burned body of a young girl has been found, and they are looking into whether it is a six year old reported missing from Sacramento.
The body was found by firefighters in a dry creek bed in the town of Artois.
The coroner said it appears to be a girl between five and 10 years old. The Glenn County Sheriff says she appears to be the victim of a homicide.
The Sacramento County Sheriff has sent DNA samples to Glenn County to try to determine if the body is that of a missing girl.
Six-year-old Jadianna Larson was reported missing Thursday from her home in south Sacramento.
Family members say her mother's boyfriend was watching her, and he suffered some type of medical emergency.
When they came home at about 8:30 p.m., Jadianna was missing.
However, deputies say Jadianna had not been in school this week.
At this point, additional details have not been released.