East Bay nonprofit that houses struggling single moms, says its shelters are full

A nonprofit providing services, including housing, to homeless single mothers in the Bay Area, said that its shelters are full.

The co-founder of Ariel Outreach Mission expressed hope in collaborating with other groups to find solutions for women in need during this holiday season.

Nadine Scott has worked to secure housing for Mariah Haynes, a 31-year-old unhoused single mother of two young sons.

Haynes said she recently became homeless after her subleasing arrangement ended, compounded by a car accident that left her with leg injuries requiring surgery.

As a result, she is unable to work for at least six weeks.

"Being homeless. This is my worst fear, not providing for my children," said Haynes.

Haynes is staying with a friend temporarily and her children are with family members for the Thanksgiving holiday.

Despite these challenges, Haynes expressed gratitude for the support from Scott's nonprofit, which focuses on assisting struggling single moms and domestic violence survivors by connecting them with services like housing, job training, and clothing.

"There are a lot of people in the Bay Area around this time who are dealing with hardship. I am one of many," said Haynes.

Scott has four safe houses used to shelter women and families, although two are currently undergoing renovation.

Lowe's donated funds for a new addition to one of the safe houses, but it won't be completed until early next year.

Scott hopes to connect Haynes with a shelter that could offer assistance.

"She's been so diligent in keeping up with what's required of her, so when you find somebody like that, you stick with them and try to see them all the way through the finish line," said Scott.

Ariel Outreach Mission has been helping women in the Bay Area for 41 years. However, the organization has faced some challenges due to housing scarcity, especially during cold weather.

Scott called for community awareness, stating, "We just feel that there's some help for her out there, but we just got to get the word out."

"This will be my first Thanksgiving ever by myself or not working, but I have faith that it will get better," said Haynes.

Haynes is scheduled for surgery on her leg injuries and anticipates being in a rehab facility afterward.

She hopes for a spot for her and her boys at a shelter in the coming weeks.

Haynes started a GoFundMe to assist her family during this difficult time.

More information on Ariel Outreach Mission can be found here.

Amber Lee is a reporter with KTVU.  Email Amber at Amber.Lee@Fox.com or text/leave message at 510-599-3922. Follow her on Facebook @AmberKTVU,  Instagram @AmberKTVU  or Twitter @AmberKTVU.