Wigs snatched: East Bay shop repeatedly burglarized, 1 suspect arrested

A small business owner in Dublin said her wig shop has been targeted by thieves and vandals repeatedly, but she's doing everything in her power to shore up security to protect her livelihood.

Janie Mecham added surveillance cameras and other security measures at her store, Valley Rags & Wigs, which has been burglarized and vandalized multiple times since January. 

The most recent incident was Wednesday around 2:30 a.m., the second time the shop had been hit in a month.  

"It terrifies me that they could come in while we're here," said Mecham.  

She said new security glass she had installed after the break-in at the beginning of the year made it harder for the thief to break the glass and enter the store. 

"I've changed out all the windows, spent thousands on windows trying to put the laminate in the middle so they can't get in," she said. "So now, they just keep breaking the windows." 

Mecham suspects that she is targeted because of the wigs she sells. The ones made with human hair range from $900 to $3,400. Even the synthetic wigs cost anywhere from $200 to $500. 

She said half her clients are cancer survivors and others who also suffer hair loss due to a medical condition. 

Mecham estimated that thieves had stolen $20,000 worth of merchandise.

"I was furious," said Jacqueline Childs, a longtime customer. "I said you're going to have to put bars up at the window. We never had to have bars in Dublin."

Late Thursday afternoon, Dublin police said they'd  arrested a suspect, believed to be the man seen on surveillance video, leaving in an SUV parked in front of the wig store after the most recent incident. 

Police have not yet released the suspect's identity but said he may be responsible for vandalism and burglaries at other businesses in the area.

But both police and Mecham said they don't know if the man arrested is responsible for previous incidents at the wig store.  

Each night, Mecham pulls down the window shades to keep the wigs out of sight.  

"How do you prevent someone from walking by and smashing your window? How do you do that?" asked Mecham.

Even though she's 74-year-old, Mecham said she has no intention of closing her store despite what happened because she loves serving the community. 

Amber Lee is a reporter with KTVU.  Email Amber at Amber.Lee@Fox.com or text/leave message at 510-599-3922. Follow her on Facebook @AmberKTVU,  Instagram @AmberKTVU or Twitter @AmberKTVU.