Frank's blog: Sergeant's organs donated to veterans

Frank Somerville's blog:

"This is one of the most powerful and touching videos that I’ve ever seen.

On December 19th, Staff Sgt.Matthew James Whalen was taken to the hospital.

He was suffering from a brain hemorrhage.

He never recovered.

On December 21st, Staff Sgt.Whalen’s organs were donated to two veterans who desperately needed transplants.

This video shows Sgt. Whalen being wheeled into the operating room.

And what makes it so touching is to see his family, nursing staff and an Honor Guard all lined up in the hallway as he was passed by.

Then at the end, just before he was taken into the operating room, a woman who I'm guessing was his wife, kissed him on the forehead.

Seeing this made me proud to be an American.

And I hope this doesn't sound corny, but honestly I felt like saluting at my desk while I watched it.

RIP Staff Sgt. Whalen.

And thank you for saving two lives by donating your organs."