Hotels, hair salons, gyms, among several SF businesses that opened Monday with new rules
SAN FRANCISCO - Several San Francisco businesses reopened their doors Monday after months of closure, including hotels, gyms and hair salons -- all facing new restrictions meant to ensure that the city's businesses can reopen while keeping the spread of COVID-19 to a minimum.
Although the city earlier this month began allowing outdoor
personal services like haircuts, massages and nail care, those services are now being permitted to operate indoors, as well as services like tattooing, piercing, and esthetic treatments. New requirements for the indoor services, however, include face coverings, physical distancing and stations that are at
least six feet apart.
Indoor gyms and fitness centers that opened Monday are also now
subject to rules. Operators must keep facilities at 10 percent capacity, maintain adequate ventilation, and require gym-goers to wear masks and keep six-feet apart for lighter activities like stretching, yoga and meditation, and at least 12-feet apart for more intense activities that increase breathing, city officials said.
Hotels opening on Monday face new restrictions, like limitations
on the number of people allowed in lobbies and in hotel rooms. Guests must also leave their room when housekeeping is cleaning, and hotels must implement a 15-minute window before and after cleaning to let the rooms "air out."
Additionally, hotels won't be able to reopen amenities to guests
like indoor pools, indoor dining facilities, ballrooms, conference rooms, business centers, lounge areas, fitness centers, or any other indoors gathering spots for the time being, city officials said.
Other businesses reopening on Monday include outdoor tour buses, openair boats, churches offering individual prayer and outdoor services of up 50 people, drive-in movies, and outdoor activities like mini golf and batting cages, also with limited capacity.
In addition to businesses, the city on Monday also launched 45
Community Learning Hubs throughout the city, offering resources for students most at need like meals, high-speed Wi-Fi, and in-person learning support.
"I'm excited that we started the program today so that we can
serve kids and families who need extra support-whether it's help with distance learning, access to healthy food, or a place to safely interact with other kids their age. We knew it would take a village to get our young people the support and education they need, and City departments and our community partners have stepped up and worked together to turn our vision for the Community Hubs into reality," Mayor London Breed said in a statement.
Currently, about 300 students are enrolled in the program, and by
mid-November, the city expects to expand to 100 hubs and 3,000 students.
Although schools remain closed, some elementary schools may start to open as soon as Sept. 21 through a waiver process. Then in October, some middle schools may also open through the waiver process, with high schools expected to follow sometime in November.
Also, under the city's current reopening schedule, next week on
Sept 21, indoor museums, zoos and aquariums will be allowed to open, with limited capacity as well.
Officials with the de Young museum said on Monday they're planning to open on Sept. 22, 23 and 24 to their members. Then, on Sept. 25 the museum will open to the public, with the exhibition Frida Kahlo: Appearances Can Be Deceiving set to premiere for the first time in the Bay Area.
The Legion of Honor museum is set to open to the public sometime in mid-October, museum officials said. As part of the reopening, the Legion of Honor is also offering free general admission for essential workers, as well as discounts on special exhibitions.
In addition, both the Legion of Honor and the de Young will start
offering free admission every Saturday for all Bay Area residents.
Museum visitors will be required to wear masks, and both museums will reduce their capacity by 25 percent, museum officials said.
More information about the reopenings can be found at