Jenny McCarthy reiterates accusations of sexual harassment against Steven Seagal

Steven Seagal with Vladimir Putin

As the floodgates now seem wide open in Hollywood with nearly daily accusations of sexual misconduct of actors and TV-film executives, Jenny McCarthy has also reiterated an allegation she made against Steven Seagal.

McCarthy said she fled from a 1995 audition with Seagal after he repeatedly asked her to take off her clothes for a part that didn't require nudity.

McCarthy recounted her encounter with Seagal during a tryout for "Under Siege 2" on her Sirius XM radio show Thursday, a day after actress Portia de Rossi accused Seagal of unzipping his pants during an audition.

McCarthy said Seagal was the only person in the room when she showed up to read for her part, she said. After declining his invitation to sit next to him on a couch, McCarthy, who said she purposefully wore a loose-fitting garment to the audition so the focus would be on her acting instead of her body, said Seagal asked her to remove her clothes. When McCarthy countered that she was told the part didn't require her to be naked, she said Seagal told her that it involved "off-camera nudity."

"I know you must have a beautiful body underneath there. Can you lower it so I can see your breasts," she recalled Seagal saying. 

A representative for Seagal didn't immediately return a request for comment Friday, but a Seagal spokesman has denied McCarthy's accusations to The Daily Beast. McCarthy told the same story to Movieline in 1998.