Joe Biden makes campaign stops around the Bay Area

Former Vice President and 2020 Democratic primary candidate Joe Biden is making campaign stops around the Bay Area on Thursday. 

Biden attended a fundraiser luncheon at a restaurant in Palo Alto and will then head to the San Francisco home of Senator Dianne Feinstein for a cocktail reception. 

According to a pool reporter, Mr. Biden spoke for about 30 minutes to a crowd of 80-100 donors at Evvia.

The report says he blasted Mr. Trump, but said little about impeachment or President Trump's call on China to investigate him and his son Hunter Biden.  He also announced his campaign raised $15 million during the last quarter.

As he left the event, Biden shouted to reporters who asked about the China comment, "I don't listen much to what the president says."

Earlier in the day, Biden's campaign released this statement: "With his administration in free-fall, Donald Trump is flailing and melting down on national television, desperately clutching for conspiracy theories that have been debunked and dismissed by independent, credible news organizations."

Vice President Mike Pence doubled-down on the president's comments, saying "The American people have a right to know whether or not, the vice president of the United States or his family, profited from his position."

In a new poll released Wednesday by the nonpartisan Public Policy Institute of California, Biden is in a virtual three-way tie with California voters who are likely to vote in the Democratic primary. 

Senator Elizabeth Warren is in the lead at 23 percent, Biden at 22 percent, and Senator Bernie Sanders at 21 percent. And in a distant fourth is Senator Kamala Harris at 8 percent.