KTVU talent shares favorite Valentine's Day treats

FILE - Valentine's Day balloons and flowers are sold outside a convenience store. (Cindy Ord/Getty Images)

It's a tradition to give your sweetheart flowers, a card, or a box of chocolates. We asked our KTVU anchors what their favorite V-Day treat was and why.

Gasia Mikaelian

I’d say cards are my favorite… because I can keep them forever and reread as needed in those tough moments… and because I have young children, I get to see their writing and artwork change over the years… most of the adorable misspellings are gone by now, but I still laugh when they write what they love about me – I may pride myself on making home cooked dinners every night, or keeping a tidy home, but when they say things like "I love my Mom because she took me to the dollar store once to buy candy"… it puts everything in focus!

 Mike Mibach

I love a great Valentine’s Day… card! Hey, words mean the world, and just like I love receiving a note, I love writing a note to my wife on this day. Take my time, and all from the heart!

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! 

Claudine Wong

I am a big fan of cards, handwritten and/or homemade for the win! (But I also will take flowers anytime!) 

Dave Clark

The love of my wife is the best part of the day, and my favorite treat: Chocolates, overflowing with coconut and almonds!

Allie Rasmus

Definitely cards! Unlike flowers, they last forever and unlike candy, they don’t make me gain weight! LOL!

Cristina Rendon

I look forward to receiving a card from my husband every Valentine’s Day. His handwritten messages are barely legible, but so sweet! HAHA! I’ve kept every card he’s given me since we met.