Mountain lion spotted running in San Mateo neighborhood
SAN MATEO (BCN) - Police are advising caution after video was recorded of a mountain lion walking on sidewalk at 4 a.m. Sunday in the 400 block of 22nd Avenue in San Mateo.
The mountain lion was not seen in-person and a police search of the area did not turn up the animal, but the video shows it did not act in a predatory or aggressive manner, officials said.
Police say it is rare for mountain lions to approach humans, but offer these safety tips:
.. Feeding deer, which is illegal in California, will attract mountain lions.
.. Never approach a mountain lion, especially if it is feeding or with offspring. Most mountain lions will try to avoid confrontation.
.. Avoid hiking or jogging through wooded areas at dawn, dusk, or at night, when mountain lions are most active.
.. Keep a close watch on small children when hiking or traveling in or about wooded areas.
.. Do not run if you encounter a mountain lion. Instead, face the animal, make noise and try to look bigger by waving your arms; throw rocks or other objects; pick up small children.