New Round of evacuations in Mendocino Complex Fire

There's a new round of evacuations in Mendocino County on Friday afternoon. People in the Cow Mountain Area (South of SR-20, west of the Mendocino/Lake County line, east of the intersection of North Cow Mountain Road and the Cow Mountain Access Road, and north of the current fire perimeter of the River Fire) have been asked to evacuate as of 3:45 p.m. Cal Fire announced. 

In addition an evacuation warning was issued for East Ukiah Valley area (south of SR-20, east of teh east side of Lake Mendocino and east of the Russian River, north of Yokayo Rancheria Road.) 


People in the Spring Valley area of Lake County were told Friday morning to pack up, and leave.

They live on the other side of Clear Lake, from where the River, and Ranch Fires started exactly one week ago.

This is the second time Clear Lake Oaks has had to evacuate to flee an advancing wildfire. Back in late June, the Pawnee Fire came through the area. Homeowners thought they dodged the Mendocino Complex Fire until it was suddenly on top of them. 

The wildfires burning in Mendocino County continue to grow, forcing new evacuations last night. 

People in the Spring Lake Valley area of Lake County were told to pack up and leave. They live in Clear Lake Oaks, on the opposite side of the lake from where the River and Ranch Fires started last week. 

Deputies fanned out across the rural neighborhood of several hundred homes, warning people to leave. 

Sixteen homes have already been destroyed in the two major wildfires burning in Mendocino and Lake counties. 

More than 125,000 acres burned, and Cal Fire had it just 39 percent contained last night. 

The Ranch Fire- larger than the River Fire - and less contained, is pushing into the national forest. 

But a northwesterly wind makes it a threat to lakeshore communities of Upper Lake, Nice and Lucerne.

Despite the continuing air attack, backfire operations, and the efforts of hand crews and bulldozers, the fire keeps finding paths toward populated areas. 

People leaving the area will find evacuation shelters in Lower Lake and Middletown, and the Moose Lodge in Clearlake Oaks. 

Lakeport's evacuation eased just hours before this new one took effect so that freed up space in the shelters for the new arrivals.