Oakland residents describe contents of illegal dumping, including dead dogs
OAKLAND, Calif. (KTVU) - It's no secret that the city of Oakland has an illegal dumping issue.
Driving down some streets you can see piles of trash and other items illegally left behind.
“We take pride in our community, and we try to keep it clean. You have outside forces that come and feel that, this is ok to dump as if we don't care,” says Oakland resident Micheline Beam.
“We see mattress, construction debris, we even see dead animals. Like dogs, they just come over and dump it here,” says Oakland resident Noe Garrido.
However, back in April on Earth Day, Oakland officials, business owners, community activist and several Alameda County agencies joined forces and said no more.
They've installed signage and several cameras along G Street and Railroad Avenue, which are targeted for the cleanup. One city leader said those are two of the most notorious spots for illegal dumping in Oakland.
The hope is this six-month pilot program will continue to be successful.
“The key is not just eradication with us cleaning up, but enforcement of it. I mean the sheriff's department has issued a number of citations,” says Alameda County Supervisor Nate Miley.
And that's just the beginning. Miley says so far the deputies have written numerous citations. They've also collected 45 tons of debris from Railroad Avenue between 85th and 98th Avenue, and on G Street between 85th and 92nd Avenue.
Five people have been caught illegally dumping items on camera. 79 abandoned and or unregistered vehicles have been towed.
25 people have been arrested for other crimes including a murder suspect.
“Part of the sheriff's commitment was to have deputies come out here periodically patrol and that's what they were doing. Just observing,” says Miley.
Leaders say another part of the crackdown is community involvement. Just getting someone's license plate can help, or sometimes a mistake by the illegal dumper who sometimes leaves evidence behind.
“There was one envelope with an address in it.
“We sent them a cease and desist notice and that's one of the cases that the D.A. is looking at prosecuting, says Reid.
So far two people have been charged with illegal dumping and the pilot program is paid for by taxpayers.
Miley says the hope is to expand the program to neighboring areas, when the current program ends in October.