Police officers respond to shoplifting at Walmart, help thief buy the boots he needs for a job

Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images
FOX NEWS - A young man was caught trying to steal a pair of work boots at a Walmart in Kansas, but when police officers learned what his motives were, they decided to help him out instead of punishing him.
The Roeland Park Police Department shared the story on its Facebook page Thursday, praising the officers involved.
The authorities received a call that a juvenile had been taken into custody at the superstore after getting caught in the act. When they responded, they discovered the boy was a “displaced juvenile within the State of Kansas Justice system” living in a group home.
He told the police he needed the boots so he could get a job. After hearing his story, the officers were compelled to buy the boy the boots rather than arrest him. They also gave him “some words of encouragement,” telling him to find a job, finish school and stay out of trouble.