San Jose bartender donates tips to good causes

In San Jose one bar manager is trying to help those in need in the community - one tip at a time.

For a second consecutive weekend David Sizemore of Deluxe Restaurant is donating all of his tips to help others.

Last weekend he gave $600 to flood victims and to Planned Parenthood.

This weekend he is donating his tips to a charity organized by three sisters from East San Jose to help the homeless.

"How it started was I have a friend who was thinking about giving money to the flood victims. He had come in and we were eating and I said, 'you know what, let me give my money to you.' And Saturday it was a success and I said, 'let me do something Sunday.'"

Sizemore says he counts his receipts at the end of the night, and then makes the donation to the designated group.